Scratchers Statistics


  • Weekly Winning Scratchers
    Update for Every day the official Virginia Lottery posts the latest number of remaining scratcher prizes on its website at Here we take that data, crunch it down to provide you with our rundown of scratchers ranked by the best odds of winning a prize. We collect this data every day so we track …
  • The Ideal Number of Scratcher Tickets
    A Test for Maximal Winnings What’s the ideal number of tickets to buy? This question has vexed me for years. There must be a number that maximizes potential returns from scratcher prizes that also limits losses. That number could even allow you to propel your occasional prize winnings forward to more scratchers.  Buying too many …
  • The Secret on the Back of a Scratcher Ticket
    Start of an Obsession with Lottery Scratch-offs The lottery is a fool’s errand. Everyone knows that, right? Still, every now and then I would buy a lottery scratcher ticket at the counter. There’s a joy in scratching off each section of the game, revealing the possible prize to meet the hope in your heart. Then …
  • Is the Best Lottery Strategy to Buy New Scratchers?
    Whenever the lottery releases new scratchers, people buy the new scratch-off games on the blind faith that the newer the game the better the chances to getting the remaining prizes before they’re claimed. But is buying new scratchers really the best strategy?  We took a look at the data, and the answer is: Not really. …
  • 9 Tips for Winning Virginia Lottery Scratchers
    We’ve been studying the secrets behind the Virginia Lottery Scratcher system to really understand the ways the Average Joe can maximize his chances. Here’s some tips you should remember before you buy any lottery scratcher: 1. Check the scratcher prize odds first. Many don’t realize it but the Virginia Lottery commission posts all the odds …
  • Fake Prizes and Winners too Close to Sellers – Common Lottery Scratcher Scams
    In 2014, the Georgia Lottery Commission issued 270 denial letters to winners of $1,000 or more in the previous four years. Among those who the Commission issued these letters, 63 percent were people of Indian, Asian or Hispanic descent. People with the common last name Patel made up 23 percent of the denial letters as …
  • Check for Top Prize Before Buying Remaining Scratchers
    There’s a dirty secret behind lottery scratchers: for some of those scratchoff tickets you see behind the counter, the top prize is already missing from the number of remaining tickets in circulation. The Virginia Lottery does post the number of remaining tickets and the odds of winning prizes on its website. That information is crucial …
  • Keep all your winnings – Don’t throw losing scratchers away!
    If you win money with lottery scratchers, make sure you can keep as much of your earnings as possible. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows you to claim gambling losses as a deduction on your tax return. And any losing tickets prove that you had losses to claim. So keep those losers in an envelope …
  • Earn money with lottery scratchers by not making this mistake
    You ever see these videos where some guy buys a whole roll of lottery scratchers and films himself scratching them off one by one? The logic seems natural – buying a whole roll has to return some big winners, right? But take a look at the odds of any scratcher: even if you had $4,000 …
  • For free lottery tickets, just look in the trash
    When I head to my local 7-Eleven for beer, there’s a trash can in the back that I beeline for immediately. Before I even get close to the beer, the clerks spot me from their place behind the counter reaching into a trashcan. Why? Because that’s where the free lottery tickets are.  It didn’t use …