Tag: <span>scratchoff</span>

Tag: scratchoff


Weekly Winning Scratchers

Update for

Winning scratchers with the best probability

Every day the official Virginia Lottery posts the latest number of remaining scratcher prizes on its website at https://www.valottery.com/scratcher-search. Here we take that data, crunch it down to provide you with our rundown of scratchers ranked by the best odds of winning a prize. We collect this data every day so we track the changes in prize numbers over time.

The best scratchers to buy are always those that give you the best odds of winning a prize. For any game, your average probability of winning a Virginia Lottery scratcher prize is . But be strategic – use the data to buy only the scratchers with the highest odds.

Here’s the scratchers with above-average probability of a prize:

From crunching the data we also know which scratcher games have been the hottest buys. Some games go faster than others, especially the newer games. This chart shows the top number have had the most prizes claimed since :

Those are clearly the most popular; however, that doesn’t mean they’ve got an edge over other scratchers. More useful indicators better help you pick the best scratchers to buy. Here’s the top five by probability, and their percent remaining prizes:

VA Scratcher Game % Probability (Odds) % Prizes Remaining % Prizes Claimed this Week
(#) (1 in )
(#) (1 in )
(#) (1 in )
(#) (1 in )
(#) (1 in )
Table of Top 5 Scratchers with the Best Odds this Week

Our recommended strategy relies on a normal distribution of tickets randomly throughout the state. We calculate for you the standard deviation of the prizes to find the maximum number you need to buy to get at least one prize winning ticket. You may only need to buy 10 tickets at $1 each to get at least $2 or more in prizes before you waste money on diminishing returns

Ranking of Best Scratchers to Buy

Find our scratcher list here. Filter by the prize, remaining scratcher games, prize odds and probability, the max number of tickets with a 98% probability of winning a prize.

The official Virginia Lottery data show of prizes still remain unclaimed. This leaves as many as prizes left out there, including top prizes. Use this data to land yourself as many prizes as possible.

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